
Affirmation and Encouragement

Called To Membership

If you’re interested in becoming a member of Chestnut Grove, the first step is to meet with Pastor Andy Gathman. This informal meeting provides an opportunity to learn more about the church, ask questions, and discuss your faith journey. After this initial meeting, those who feel called to membership are invited to share their faith story with a small group of elders. This is a time of affirmation and encouragement, where new members are welcomed into the church family in a personal and meaningful way.

Celebrating Your Commitment

Once you decide to become a member, your commitment is publicly affirmed during a Sunday worship service. There are three pathways to membership, depending on your previous church experience:

  • Profession of Faith: For those who have never been baptized or made a public profession of faith, this is an opportunity to formally commit your life to Christ and to the church.
  • Reaffirmation of Faith: If you have been baptized but are not currently an active member of a Christian church, this option allows you to renew your commitment to your faith and join Chestnut Grove.
  • Certificate of Transfer: For those who are active members of another Christian church and wish to transfer their membership to Chestnut Grove, this process acknowledges your previous commitment while welcoming you into our congregation.

More Information On Membership

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