
Inspired To Serve

Answering The Call

At Chestnut Grove, we believe that service is a fundamental expression of our faith. Serving others allows us to live out the teachings of Jesus in a tangible way, making a difference in the lives of those around us. Service is not just an obligation but a privilege—a way to extend the love and grace we’ve received to those who need it most. Whether through global missions that reach across borders or local efforts that impact our immediate community, we are committed to answering the call to serve with compassion, humility, and generosity. By serving, we are not only meeting the needs of others but also growing in our own spiritual journey, as we experience the joy and fulfillment that comes from giving of ourselves.

Service at Chestnut Grove is an invitation to be part of something bigger than ourselves. We recognize that each member of our church family has unique gifts and talents, and we strive to provide opportunities for everyone to contribute in meaningful ways. Whether you feel called to volunteer within the church, participate in a local outreach initiative, or join a mission trip abroad, there is a place for you to serve at Chestnut Grove.

Missions: Extending Our Reach Beyond the Church Walls

Our Mission efforts at Chestnut Grove reach beyond our local community, extending compassion and support to those in need around the world. Through partnerships and mission trips, we bring hope and help to global communities, living out our call to serve all of God’s children.

Volunteers: Serving Our Church and Local Community

Volunteering at Chestnut Grove is a powerful way to serve both our church and our local community. From assisting with church services to engaging in local outreach, there are countless opportunities to make a difference and live out your faith in practical ways.

Way To Get Started Serving

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